Time management and goals tracking

As most of us are working from home these days, I thought I will share my free-to-use time management sheet with everyone as I found that this sheet helps me to manage my time better and it also serves as an input for my next day when I fill in the data for IBI (Individual Business Intelligence). Without this sheet I noticed that I was getting distracted quite a lot, especially with the stream of COVID-19 news arriving on social media. And next day I would feel bad about not being as productive as I wanted to be. And I wouldn't know how much time I have spent on what. This sheet when used during WFH (work from home) ensures I am very productive. So I am sharing it.

While I was making a copy of the sheet to share, I thought why not share rest of the tabs too, that include goals monitoring sheet that I use. The link to the sheet is here - Time management and goals tracking, download it or make a copy of it and use it if you like it.  Screenshots of each of the tabs in the Google Sheets is given below for quick reference. I think this sheet is not only useful during current times (COVID-19) but also in general for all those who want to manage their time better, especially for budding entrepreneurs. Feel free to share it with others.

Time management tab

Simple and free tool to manage time better

To-do list tab

To do list sheet

Recurring tasks tab

A free to use recurring tasks tracker or tool

Goals tracking tab

Free to use goals tracking tool


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